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I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Prayer is powerful.

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Prayer Requests

  • My dear, sweet brother needs prayers as he is about to start chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer. My heart hurts terribly watching him suffer. I came from Nevada to Minnesota to care for him. Have been here for a month, through his surgery and now chemo. I will not leave him until this is over...praying for God's healing and strength for this dear man. He is 63 and his name is Kerry. Please lift him up in prayer! Thank you and God bless you.

  • Please pray for our foster daughters court date coming up on January 30th. Please pray that the judge does what is best for her. Please pray for calm hearts for us as we wait to hear the judges rulings in her case. Thank you very much. God bless you.

    Corinne M.
  • My husband (of 40 years) is having an affair, choosing her & filed for divorce. Hasn't seen or spoken to our daughter in a year.

    I pray that he stops this sin, stops the divorce & returns to his family. I love him so much.

    Lisa R.
  • I am in immediate need of funds for my mom's hospital bills, rent and so forth. My prayers appear to be hitting the ceiling, but I know God answered before when I asked others to pray for a car, my move. Please, pray for provision.

    Thanks so much.

  • In name of Jesus Christ, I pray that my husband James will stop the divorce and immediately come home to me today and repent for what he did and be completely faithful, loyal, kind, attractive to me and love only me and realize how special our marriage is and he will start immediately trying to repair our marriage and he will brake up with Linda the other girl today and completely stay away from her forever.

    Kimberly S.
  • Our 25 year old daughter, Erin, is experiencing liver failure and kidney damage. Please pray that God would heal her body and restore her to health and also that he would surround her with his peace, love, and grace during this difficult time.

    Thank you and God bless you.

  • Please pray for my mother's health. My mother is elderly and a caretaker to my disabled sibling. She may have Breast Cancer. Please pray that it is benign, please pray that she will heal. She is a wonderful, loving mother and my sibling needs her. I need her. Please pray for her.

    Dana W.
  • Please kindly pray for my mum's blood test that is taken on Monday to be of good report..

    Esp creatinine level, hemoglobin, white blood cell. Blood count.. Uric acid. Thanks so much

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that I will be free from this depression and fear. I pray that college will be very easy for me. Because I'm studying very hard and I'm having a hard time remembering the information. I want to be happy and feel great about myself and my life and have a really good and happy life with good people in my life that care about me.

  • I know with so much suffering in the world, it seem silly to ask God to help me with my marriage, but that's what's weighing on my mind and heart. We used to be so happy, warm and loving. We would talk for ages and discuss our shared values and goals. We had a lot of laughs. I was not religious when we got together, but he is a Christian, and while he never forced his beliefs on me, I slowly came around to them. I am (was?) very happy and hoped this would be my "forever" but several months ago, seemingly overnight, something changed in him. He became distant. He didn't want to spend time with me or talk to me. It's like he's becoming a different person. When I ask what's wrong or how we can fix things, he claims everything is fine, but I know it isn't because he went from a sweet, loving husband to someone who doesn't seem to even like his wife. I recently was the victim of a pickpocket who took my wallet out of my purse and when I told him what happened, he didn't even react. He didn't ask if I was okay or anything. It was as though I just said, "We're expecting rain tomorrow" or something equally as mundane. I was so hurt and I still am. I'm not sure what to do. I need a sign, or some guidance, or anything, anything to help me figure out my next steps. I appreciate your prayers.

  • Hello there, I am a single mother to three beautiful children the Lord has blessed me and there father with. He divorced me three years ago due to some very unsafe and unpredictable circumstances surrounding his substance abuse and mental health issues. I am declaring healing of his mind, deliverance from any substance that holds him hostage to the strongholds against his spirit. I declare and decree Eric is a child of the most high God. I speak the blood of Jesus over all Eric's sin's, transgressions and iniquities. I am believing and would like prayer for our family's restoration. This would be a miracle seeming what the natural looks like is quite the opposite. He has been dating for 2 years and they live together. I however, was given a vision by the Lord day 1 that there would be some kind of restoration and miraculous healing and deliverance by what I felt in my spirit with Eric grabbing my hand in freedom from all the strongholds he fights on a daily basis. Please come in agreement with me believing and receiving this over my family. Thank you

    Stacey D.
  • My son James has just gone through his fourth open heart surgery in his short two years of life. He is recovering in the hospital and God has graciously heard our prayers for a successful operation and recovery. However, I am having the hardest time getting up and going to the hospital.

    I humbly ask for prayers for my sons continued healing, but also ask for prayers for myself and my husband. We are very tired and I have hospital PTSD, making it difficult to get myself there to care and advocate for my son.

    Thank you for your time and prayers.

  • I’m in need of prayer. I need to be vindicated by the lord. I’m being falsely accused of something I did not do.

  • I would like prayer for my mother and fathers marriage. They have been married 23 years, then divorced for 4 years, then remarried again. I just ask that God would continue to intercede and help my father to treat my mother according to God's will and the way the Bible says a man should treat his wife. That God would help lead him and to help him back on the right path of being the leader of the family. My dad is a man of faith, but he has lost his way a little bit in some areas. I know that God can do wonders and miracles for my parents. In Jesus name! Thank you!

  • I'm a 60 year old female with 3 children and 8 grandchildren and a husband of 44 years. Recently I started having chest pains and was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. I have an appointment on February 16 with the heart doctor I would appreciate any and all prayers for a good prognosis and no surgery. Thank you to anyone that would please take a minute out of their day and say a quick pray.

  • I am asking for your prayers for a court case coming up am I need a miracle to help me through it.
    I really need a favorable outcome for everyone.
    God bless my prayer warriors.

    Claudia W
  • Please pray that my children, youngest is 29, will come to Christ before He returns. I worry about them and feel badly that my own doubts when younger likely influenced them. I pray but I don't think my prayers alone are enough. I've even told them it is my faith in Him that Has let Him bring me a peace I never expected after the death of my husband 2 years ago. For myself, I have chronic pain issues, depression & anxiety, improvement in any or all of these would be appreciated and I would thank Him greatly. I pray but I don't think my prayers are enough, or perhaps He is using this to help me learn patience and trust. I do trust in Him, it's the patience that is sometimes difficult.

    Brenda P
  • Grace and Peace my second oldest sister passed away last Saturday from a long illness and I’m struggling with her death. We were ten years apart and I’ve never been separated from her in my 70 years of life. She was saved and so am I so I know we’ll see each other again, she not stuffing any more she doesn’t have to with her family who didn’t treat her right over the years any longer my sister is free. I’m not at peace with her death I cry all the time and I just want to be with her.

    Earldean A.
  • My husband is a recovering addict and he truly is the greatest when he is clean but recently he relapsed and it seems like the more involved we got in ministry that’s when the enemy started attacking him more. It has been a complete nightmare in my home since he started using. Please pray my husband finds his way back to sobriety and the Lord. My 4 girls and myself miss him so much

    Chelsea C.
  • Please pray for my daughter Jaelyn to return to God and rebuke the devils hold on her with drug and sex addiction. Pray that she will see the way she is supposed to go - with her education and job search.
    Please pray that God continues to keep me calm, patient, and sane during this trial and hope both my daughter and are able to see good times ahead.
    I thank and appreciate all of you that do pray for us.

  • Pray for my family have peace and unity and understanding in this coming days on my dad funerals. For my children to make peace and forgiveness with his father. Peace between my brothers and sisters

  • Please pray for the immigration process to get dealt with quickly for my minor sons. I miss them and they miss me.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7